Aircraft Painting

Some customers paint with IAC as part of their routine maintenance programs. After all, a good paint job isn’t just for looks, but also for protecting the skin against the elements and to prevent corrosion. Other customers re-paint as part of an overall re-branding strategy. In fact, IAC is renowned for our fleet re-branding such as our work on the American / US Airways merger, United / Continental merger, and Delta / Northwest merger, to name a few. Whatever the reason, IAC’s professional painters take pride in enhancing the features, lines and forms of the aircraft we paint every day.

For the aircraft refinishing industry, the exterior paint must not only look great, but must also stand the test of time, all while staying within the allowed weight parameters of the aircraft. Experts know that this feat is neither an easy nor a cheap process. Aircraft painting is a labor-intensive, multi-step process that requires a steady hand and intense attention to detail.

To view our team in action, watch one of our timelapse videos below:

To talk to one of our experts regarding your aircraft paint requirements, please contact We’re currently accepting paint slot reservations across all 12 locations for 2018.

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